IF you listen to a cricket chirp,
you can figure out the temperature.
Count the number of chirps per
15 seconds and add 40. That'll
give you the temperature in

IF you have to choose between
a total lack of sleep or food for the
next 10 days, go with lack of food.
You'll die if you are sleep deprived
for 10 days straight.
For me I'd rather choose food lol.

IF you are trying to find something on
the floor, put a source of light on at
floor level. This will cast a shadow on
the object, making it easier to spot.

IF you have hair growing out of your
armpits, you're got hirci. That's the
fancy word for armpit hair.

IF you are brushing your hair, it's best
to stop after about 25 strokes. That's the
right number for the best distribution of
your hair;s natural oils. Any more than
that and you'll damage your hair.
Ladies take note.

IF you are stuck in the jaws of a crocodile,
jam your thumbs in it's eyeballs.
Good luck lol.


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